What vaccinations do I use to protect my cat’s health?

Lesezeit: 5 Minuten

Cats are very special beings. Anyone who gives a stub tiger a blow must take responsibility. This includes health care, which starts with vaccinations.

Why do cats need to be vaccinated?

Veterinary medicine does a great job. From physiotherapy to tumor therapy, with the latest equipment and medical procedures, many cat diseases are cured and the life of the velvet paws is extended. This is pleasing, because our pets are getting older and older. Nevertheless, some diseases are still circulating in cats, in which a cure is usually not possible. Those who love their pet protect it with a complete vaccination program.

Which vaccinations make sense?

It can only be recommended to any pet owner to have his four-legged friend vaccinated against cat sniffles and cat disease. The cat sniffing is not a harmless cat disease and with a cold from which we humans often suffer, not at all comparable. In the velvet paw, symptoms such as frequent sneering and eye and nasal discharge occur. In addition, in some cases, the infection also harms the lungs and bronchi of the quadruped. The disease mainly affects young, unvaccinated cats, which in turn were born by an unvaccinated cat mother. If you take an adult cat with you, you should also have your animal vaccinated, because it happens again and again that older animals also suffer from the infection.

The cat epidemic is just as dangerous. It is a life-threatening, highly contagious viral disease that is transmitted not only through direct contact, but also, for example, through clothing or shoes. As with almost all infectious diseases, young animals are more often affected. The reason for this is that the immune system is still weak. As long as kittens are suckled by the mother, they have sufficient protection. Until about the eighth week of life, cat babies get sufficient antibodies through breast milk. After that, the kittens are more susceptible to all infectious diseases. However, no cat lover should forget that even older cats can get sick with this disease. Symptoms include lack of pleasure, loss of appetite, very high fever, vomiting and severe diarrhea.

Why should cats be vaccinated against rabies?

Although no rabies has been registered in Germany or other European countries for ten years, there is always a risk of infection. Preventive vaccination is possible in cats and is recommended in any case. In fact, if the disease has broken out, it is usually fatal. If the cat is also allowed to go outside, it travels abroad or is occasionally cared for in an animal boarding house, it must be vaccinated against rabies.

The deadly cat disease FIP

The abbreviation FIP stands for Feline (cat) Infectious (contagious) peritonitis (abdominal inflammation). Unfortunately, the term infectious skin inflammation is chosen very unhappily, because it is not the FIP that is contagious, but the coronaviruses, which can cause the disease FIP in cats. But cat owners don’t have to worry about themselves or their favorites, these coronaviruses have nothing to do with the new viruses of the Covid-19 disease. THE FIP vaccination, which should be correctly called vaccination against coronaviruses, is possible from the 16th week of life. This is also not a conventional vaccination under the skin, but the administration of drops into the nose. The immune system is stimulated locally.

Vaccination plan for cats

For the safe protection of our four-legged friends, the following vaccinations are required:

  • First vaccination with eight weeks against cat disease and cat sniffing.
  • Four weeks later, the vaccinations are repeated. Only then is full vaccination protection guaranteed.
  • At this point, rabies vaccination is also carried out.
  • Even if the Stubentiger is free of coronaviruses, it can be vaccinated against FIP from the 16th week of life.
  • All vaccinations must be repeated at regular intervals.
  • Vaccination dates indicated by the veterinarian should be observed. If the veterinarian does not draw up another vaccination plan, an annual refresh will take place.

We love cats and have many years of experience in keeping these very special creatures. That’s why we advise every cat owner to have their pet vaccinated. Especially cats with free passage should be vaccinated and neutered. If you already own one or more cats and take another animal with you, you should have the new tenant vaccinated against leucosis, also called cat leukemia, before moving in. Cat leukemia is very contagious and has a creeping course. The disease is transmitted by contact such as mutual cleaning or in turf fights with free-range cats. It is important that a leucosis test is performed before vaccination against cat leukemia.


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