Cat fishing – the ideal toy for cats

Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

One of the simplest and most famous toys for cats are probably the cat fishing. Our velvet paws are not only sweet and cuddly, but also real little predators. Those who have free-range cats occasionally get small gifts from their darling in the form of a dead mouse or a bird.

Therefore, with a cat fishing you can rely on the natural hunting instinct of your cat. Each of the little robbers will try with fervor to catch the mouse, or whatever on the fishing line. You can just make them yourself, but of course there is also a huge selection of different cat fishing in the zoo trade.

What should you pay attention to when you buy a cat fish or tinker yourself?

One of the most important criteria is that the cats cannot get injured on the fishing line. In addition, the mice or birds or whatever is attached to the end of the fishing line should be made of natural materials and should not dissolve into pleasure after a short time and in the worst case should be eaten by the cat. The fishing line itself is best made of plastic, so when making it yourself, a proper fishing line is a good choice. Plastic is preferable here because it is simply more durable. You could certainly take a hemp cord, but they are chewed through very quickly.
Fun with Josie

The Angel  , which we are currently using has e.g. a tuft of feathers. They’ve chewed through a bit, but still in one piece. In the pack, however, there are also replacement trailers when the current one is no longer possible.

Cat fishing for the door frame

Of course, it’s also fun to play with his kittens. But sometimes it’s nice when they can do something for themselves. That’s why we tried a cat fishing rod that you can put in Door  one.

However, we have also noticed that the interest decreases significantly after a few games. Therefore, just take the fishing game off and offer it again in a week, then it is interesting again.


Cats are smart little predators and therefore need a corresponding occupation. So anything that appeals to their natural hunting instincts works particularly well. Especially young cats and of course also apartment cats need the movement stimuli. Even free-riders who can actually live out their hunting instincts outside will play with a cat angling. We can observe this every time we play with our little Josie, when our old gentleman comes round the corner, he goes off just like the little one.

The cat fishing for the door frame we can definitely recommend, our cats like to play with it. If it’s no longer interesting, just take it away for a while, then it works again.

More cat fishing for the door


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